Alcoholic depression — what is it and how to treat it

Krissy Kale
4 min readDec 2, 2020


The codependency of alcohol and the psychoemotional state of a person is obvious. It is also confirmed by many medical studies. People who abuse alcoholic beverages often fall into alcoholic depression — a mental disorder characterized by a depressed personality state and even suicidal tendencies. It usually lasts up to a month. Women are at particular risk because they are generally more predisposed to depressive states. The recovery from alcoholic depression can occur independently, but the help of specialists is often required.

Causes of occurrence

Alcoholic depression is triggered by a wide variety of circumstances. Let’s highlight the most common ones:

• Violation of the general metabolism in the human body.

• Disruptions in the receptors of the brain.

• Diseases of a mental or somatic nature.

• Constant uncontrollable craving for alcohol.

• Social and domestic troubles.

• Development of abstinence upon alcohol refusal.

Alcoholic depression can occur both in hard drinking and intoxication of the body, and in abstinence syndrome when a parson tries to quit drinking. The patient sees the solution to all his problems in taking the next portion of alcohol. An episodic manifestation of this disease can occur at the beginning of the course of treatment for alcoholism. The patient begins to “grieve” without the usual intoxicated state, however, over time, this state goes away, and the person is rebuilt to a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, a depressive state can overtake a person just before discharge from the hospital. In such a situation, it is important to have close people nearby who can support the recovering person.

Symptoms of the disease

Manifestations of alcoholic depression are visible without special knowledge. All alcohol addicts behave in a very characteristic manner. All their actions are due to the harmful effects of the poison. In this case, the following signs are observed:

• Absence or a significant decrease in appetite.

• Detachment from the world, inhibition in actions.

• Denial that there is a problem.

• Voluntary self-isolation.

• Regular need for a new portion of alcohol.

• Occasional expressions of guilt and self-flagellation.

People with depression are reluctant to communicate with others and often behave illogically. The initial symptoms of alcohol depression differ little from the well-known hangover syndrome. This condition is initially taken for granted, especially if there are external factors such as the loss of a loved one or trouble at work. Over time, psychological disorders are complemented by physiological ones. Internal organs and body systems undergo undesirable changes, and it is no longer possible to ignore the presence of the disease.

Physical symptoms of alcoholic depression include:

  • Redness of the skin of the upper body.

• Headache refractory to the action of analgesics.

• Spikes in blood pressure.

• Puffy face and swollen limbs.

• Disorder of the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

• Feeling of heaviness in the area of the right forecost.

The appearance of physiological signs of the disease indicates that it will now be impossible to cope with it without the help of specialists.

Alcoholic depression treatment

Before developing a recovery tactic, the specialist determines what type of disorder he is dealing with. Depending on personality traits, depression manifests itself in the form of:

• Apathetic syndrome. Key manifestations are lethargy, indifference to life, lack of motivation for any action.

• Astheno-anxiety syndrome. It is characterized by a gradual increase in anxiety as alcohol enters the bloodstream.

• Dysphoric conditions. They form in chronic patients. Symptoms are represented by withdrawal, aggression, memory lapses.

• Cyclothymic violations. Among them are sleep disturbances, causeless anxiety, melancholy.

Apathy is treated with a combination of psychotherapy and medication. The dosage is selected individually.

Asthenic-anxiety syndrome is especially dangerous for a person since the boundaries of the personality are erased and a person ceases to adequately perceive reality. Treatment involves taking tranquilizers, neuroleptics, antidepressants.

In the treatment of dysphoric conditions, the main role is also assigned to medications. The body’s immune forces should also be replenished with vitamins and mineral complexes. Cyclothymic disorders are also treated with potent drugs. In severe forms, the patient is placed in a specialized hospital, since the clinical manifestations of the disease become similar to the manic-depressive syndrome.

Remember that cure of alcoholic depression is impossible without a complete rejection of alcohol. If it is not possible to do this on your own, you should contact a specialist. The consequences of refusing treatment are sad for a person. Alcoholic depression leads to the destruction of a person at all levels and death.



Krissy Kale
Krissy Kale

Written by Krissy Kale


M.D. Lung Health Centre, Minneapolis, Minnesota

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